Saturday, June 29, 2013

Good morning, Friend Justa!"

"Good morning, Friend Justa!"  
Martin Mouse said as he looked down
at his tiny friend.


Illustration for "The Snail's Tale"

Children's book in progress
Written and Illustrated by Sally Burr and Gail Ross

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Ladybug's Wish

 "Oh, how I wish Justa would get up enough courage to
leave his home and come up to see how big and
beautiful the world is from up here.  Somehow I have to help that
little snail .... somehow." Ruby whispered softly to herself.


Illustration for "The Snail's Tale"

Children's book in progress
Written and Illustrated by Sally Burr and Gail Ross

Saturday, June 15, 2013

J.G. Evans Stage Stop
 ©2009 Watercolor/Digital  

Illustration for "The Mystery of the Old Red Barn"
Written and Illustrated by Sally Burr and Gail Ross

J.G. Evans Stage Stop

©20011 Watercolor

Our Black Forest is burning.  My heart is breaking.  I've lived here over half
 of my life, and am heartsick over the destruction and loss.  
The historic homes and buildings are most likely gone.  Haven't heard 
any news regarding them.  J.G. Evans Stage Stop's livery stable is
one of the historic buildings in Black Forest, and is one of the
very last of this architectural style in our state. 
I'm glad I had the opportunity to paint it while it was standing.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Morning on the River


Saturday, June 1, 2013


